Russian Salad


1 Boiled French Beans 10 gms
2 Boiled Carrot 25 gms
3 Boiled Potatoes 75 gms
4 Boiled Green Peas 2 tbsp
6 Fresh Cream 3 tbsp
7 Ground Pepper & Mustard 1/8 tsp each
8 Refined Oil 1.5 tsp
9 Salt & Sugar 1/8 tsp each
10 Lemon 1/8th of a medium lemon


1 Chop the beans, carrot and potatoes into small cubes
2 Add in the peas
3 Prepare Mayonnaise: Whip fresh cream with ingredients 7-10 until thick
4 Mix mayonnaise with the vegetables.
5 Toss well and serve cold


1 Add apple chunks or pineapple bits to bring in a twist to the flavor.
2 Add salt according to taste