

1 Tomato 19 ripe
2 Onion 1 kg
3 Garlic 250 gms
4 Oil 1 bowl
5 Kashmiri Chilli Powder 1 small bowl
6 Corn Flour 1 med bowl
7 Sugar 200 gms
8 Salt – 1 small bowl
9 Vinegar 1 med bowl
10 Parsley 8 stems
11 Pepper small bowl
12 Oregano small bowl
13 Lemon 4 pieces
14 Green Chill 8
15 Chopping Board 8
16 Knifes 8
17 Small bowls 8
18 Big Bowl 1
18 1 tbsp 8 number
19 1/4 tsp 8 numbers
20 8 Spoons


1 Chop the tomatoes and microwave for 1 minute
2 Chop onion, garlic and microwave for 1 minute along with oil
3 Add it to the tomatoes and mix well
4 Blend in a mixer and strain the mixture
5 Add the rest of the ingredients and microwave for 1-2 mins
6 Store in airtight glass jar and refrigerator


1 Increase the microwave time and quantity to make more ketchup